Parish Information



New Parishioners
Welcome home! ¡Bienvenieos!  Please call or email our Rectory and arrange a time to register. We’re so glad you’re here!

Baptisms are usually the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month after the 11:00 AM Mass.  Pre-Jordan classes in English are on the 3rd Monday of the month & must be attended by all parents expecting their first child.  Classes are held in the Convent Meeting House at 7:00 PM.  If you need to take the class in Spanish, please contact the Rectory so a class can be scheduled. Si necesita tomar la clase en español, comuníquese con la Rectoría para que se pueda programar una clase. Please call the Rectory to register for Pre-Jordan and make Baptism arrangements.

Congratulations on your engagement!  Couples contemplating marriage are requested to notify the rectory and make an appointment with the Pastor. Arrangements should be made at least six (6) months before the desired wedding date.

Anointing of the Sick & Communion Calls
Pastoral care for Catholic patients in area hospitals is shared by the local parishes. If you or a loved one is admitted to a hospital, please inform the hospital administration that you are a Catholic so that you will receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and Holy Communion.

Holy Communion is brought on a monthly basis to the homes of elderly and ill parishioners who are unable to attend Mass. Please notify the Rectory to arrange a visit.


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
     Monday from 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM October - May;
     Monday from 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM June - September.

Rosary – Monday thru Saturday at 8:00 AM

Divine Mercy Chaplet – Tuesday after 8:30 AM Mass

Sacred Heart Devotions – Friday after 8:30 AM Mass

Miraculous Medal Novena – Saturday after 8:30 AM Mass

Visits to the Blessed Sacrament – Tuesday thru Saturday after 8:30 AM Mass until 4:00 PM. Stop at the Rectory for the keypad code.